January 20025
The Little Harbour Community Centre Board of Directors is celebrating major building improvements in the past two years.
A municipal grant awarded to us by our area councillor, Debi Wadden, provided funds to allow us to exchange our oil furnace to more efficient propane heat in 2023. Support from the municipality in 2024 allowed us to update our water treatment process to ensure we always have safe drinking water and to paint the main hall, foyer and coat room.
The Community Facilities Improvement Program Grant from the provincial level helped finance upgrades to our fifty-year-old building including insulation throughout the upper level and the hall ceiling, a heat pump, and associated electrical upgrades. Having received the designation of Comfort Centre for our area, we also received the Generator Grant to install a generator.
As an active Community Centre, we generate some revenue in order to cover our annual operating costs but also have used our own funds to: construct a new set of stairs to the upper level, installed new interior doors and trim and had electrical work brought up to code. With the ongoing support of our community, and the stewardship of LHCC Board members, we will continue to seek ways to have the LHCC serve the community better.
Our next project is to extend the current kitchen making it fully accessible. We have applied for two Federal grants and are awaiting to hear whether we are successful. In the meantime, we continue to fundraise to make this become a reality.