The Ladies Auxiliary of the Little Harbour Fire Department has been raising funds for our fire department for over 40 years. At first this was an association of firemen’s wives but it has evolved into a social group of women from the area dedicated to raising funds for the fire department and enjoying themselves while doing it.  We currently have 25 active members and a membership of 40.  

This group meets at the Firehall at 7 pm, the 2nd Monday of each month except July and August. Many meetings include a guest speaker, while others include doing crafts or playing games. We collect a small donation every meeting for the Frank H. Academy and Pictou Landing First Nations school Breakfast Programs. 

The Auxiliary raises funds by sponsoring a take out bean supper in February or March, a bridge party usually in September, various coffee parties, paint afternoons (with wine), sock hops, variety concerts, potluck suppers and other fun events. 

In the past few years the auxiliary has taken on a more active role with the fire department by helping out with numerous activities such as:

  • Catering events that are held at the fire hall, such as the “First Aid Course” in February,
  • Serving at the “Planked Salmon Supper” in August, 
  • Visiting schools with the fire fighters in October during Fire Prevention Week
  • Providing face painting and treat bags for Santa to give the children at the annual “Tree Lighting” ceremony in November. 

Upcoming events are posted on this website’s “Events” page. 

New members and guests are always welcome.

Membership dues are $5 a year due in October which is our Anniversary month. We usually celebrate this anniversary by going out for supper as a group. 

Visit us on Facebook

The current board of directors consists of:

President    Corinne MacDonald – 902 -759-1066  email

Secretary –  Janet MacLean – 902-396-8224 e-mail –

Treasurer – Bev Webster 902-755-5480 email

 Our group also has two committees, namely: 

  • The Social Committee  lead by Rita MacDonald, Joan Ervin, Sandy Janzi
  • The fund raising Committee lead by Janet MacLean, Corinne MacDonald, Bev Webster
  • Convener lead by Debi Wadden

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