Christmas Craft Fair
Christmas Craft Fair
Vendor tables available at $25. Call Wendy at 902-695-5883 General public admission $2
Vendor tables available at $25. Call Wendy at 902-695-5883 General public admission $2
Christmas in the Harbour Wreath Fundraiser. 24" fresh balsam fir wreaths. Hand decorated. $30 each. Can be ordered by contacting Debi MacIntosh Debimacintosh@gmail.com or Debbie Sobey sobaidh@ns.sympatico.ca And prepay by etransfer $30 to lhcc@eastlink.ca write wreaths in comments.
Join us as we start off the Christmas season in the Harbour with the lighting of our tree.
Turkey Dinner hosted by LHCC. Doors Open at 4pm. Dinner served at 5pm. Social and Silent Auction. Take Out Tickets Available. Meals to be picked up 4:30-5pm. Adults $25 12 and under $12